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Doctorates at Campus Lucerne

Dissertations that are jointly supervised by experts from different types of universities provide scientific value for the doctoral students as well as the professors of the involved universities and achieve a specific kind of quality through the integration of differently oriented research traditions within the different universities.

The three Universities in Lucerne – the University of Lucerne (UNILU), the Lucerne University of applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU) and the Lucerne University of Teacher Education (PHLU) – are committed to support the joint research and to create an overarching network of universities that via Campus Lucerne promotes an environment ideal for doctorates.

Doing a doctorate at Campus Lucerne means being able to profit from countless opportunities to network with researchers from the University of Lucerne, HSLU and PHLU as well as being able to selectively acquire and deepen methodological and research skills. The activities of Campus Lucerne establish a shared culture of research and discourse that transcends universities and disciplines.