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Applied Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Business and Economics

    Recent developments in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) have increased their value to the research in economics, marketing research and management sciences. This workshop aims at providing an interdisciplinary environment that bridges computer science with economics and management sciences with the goal of improving the scope and quality of the research in both fields. The course is based on a workshop format and emphasizes the practical application of machine learning and AI approaches. Participants will be working on their own data science / machine learning topic in a hackathon-like environment. The tutors will provide support by professional data scientists, field experts in economics and marketing as well as a stimulating environment for exchange and collaboration on related topics. In the end, students present their work in front of all participants.

    Course objectives

    • Conceptualization and design of a data science project
    • Data gathering and data quality assessment
    • Fast prototyping of data-driven product or service in Python
    • Pitch presentation

    When: February 2 – February 3, 2023 (one overnight stay)
    Where: Engelberg
    Instructors: Reto Hofstetter (University of Lucerne), Marc Pouly (Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts)
    Enrollment: Enrollment is limited to 4 participants from other institutions than University of Lucerne.
    Application deadline: End of October
    More information and application: Anita Bossard Hou (email hidden; JavaScript is required)

    This 2-day workshop is organized by the University of Lucerne and supported by the Campus Luzern.